Chicks who Mix

(originally posted August 17, 2012)

While watching the episode of Pensado's place with Marcella Araica the question was asked, "How is it being a woman in audio?"

I get that question all the time about being a woman in the audio field; regularly asked how it is working in a male dominated profession. I use to think of myself as a woman in a male dominated industry until I realized that every industry is a male dominated industry.

The world is a male dominated industry. I used to think cooking was a woman's thing, nope, the culinary industry is.....male dominated. I used to think fashion and clothing was a woman's thing, nope, most top fashion lines are.....male dominated.

Am I treated differently because I am a woman? Yup! Do I have to deal with misogynists? Yup! Do I care? Absolutely Not! I have been blessed to have had a steady and increasing income in this field for almost ten years now. I am confident in my abilities and always looking to learn more. So for women coming into the industry, read and experience as much as you can and know that that audio industry any other.


Flip the phase! ...even though that's impossible


Eating Chips with Earbuds In