A Real Reference CD
(Originally posted August 20, 2013)
A reference CD or test CD is a CD with music and test tones for testing the performance of a sound system. I have reference CD's - but what I always play on a sound system is what I call the "Stank Face CD". That's right, when the system is up and working properly I put in a collection of songs that does something to the facial muscles temporarily causing you to look as if you smelt something foul.
Then I take a slow strut on stage kind of like taking a victory lap - with a collection of anthem like songs that would make anyone want to stand up, climb on top of something and put one hand in the air as if you are channeling Freddie Mercury.
Reference CD's (via an actual CD or digital device) are a great idea for testing sound systems - I say if the sound system can contain the awesomeness of certain songs then that sound system is perfection (and if it doesn't sound good you have a bad engineer which at that point you need to contact me immediately! email me for rates) Hey I gotta eat too - Anyways - thanks to the help of Spotify you can listen to my Stank Face CD and experience the facial contortion that happen with such music. Warning: if you spontaneously climb on top of your coffee table with one hand in the air I cannot be held liable if you should fall and hurt yourself or your dog.
If you need an actual reference CD with test tones you can download a zip file from Real Traps
HERE and from audiocheck.net HERE
A Real Warning: If you haven't used test tones before please read through the websites linked above. Playing pure tone at loud levels can damage your ears and your speakers.
Now look below at some "stank face" artist :)