The AV Whisperer
(Originally posted September 3, 2013)
Thanks to TV on demand I recently watched
Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan. That man is AMAZING! He rehabs dogs and trains people. If you have not seen the show I highly recommend it.
Watching the show got me thinking about myself.....I think (dramatic pause) I am (another dramatic pause) The AV Whisperer! Seriously - I have worked a lot of events and usually the compliment I get afterwards is "You did a great job. You stay so calm." Yeah I do....just like the dog whisperer! Now I find myself doing the same "tsch" sound to people so they calm down and the dog whisperer. The "tsch" sound works really well on anxious clients. I'm not trying to toot my own horn here (yes I am - email me for rates for your next event!) but seriously, I am the AV Whisperer. Take my situation the other day, while working an event there was a mic that was intermittent. About 10 minutes into the event it just started cutting in and out and I don't' know why. I got up, looked at the mic receiver and said "tsch" - it stopped and worked perfectly for the rest of the event. True story! Although instead of "tsch" I might have said something else while looking at the receiver but regardless it worked and I kept calm, just like Cesar Millan.
Stay tuned! The show is already in the works.